Deep Static & Stuctural Malware Analysis for Cyber Heroes Logo

Malware Configuration Extraction

Malware Configuration Extraction

Leverage Malva.RE’s unique static analysis approach to extract critical malware configurations quickly and efficiently. This feature is essential for cybersecurity professionals who need accurate, rapid insights into malware behavior without the need for dynamic analysis.


Extracting configuration data from malware is crucial for understanding its operation, identifying command and control (C2) servers, encryption keys, and other vital details. Malva.RE’s Malware Configuration Extraction feature offers an unparalleled solution through static analysis, allowing for the swift and precise extraction of configuration elements, without executing the malware.

Key Features

Broad Malware Family Support

Comprehensive Configuration Extraction

Seamless Workflow Integration

Performance and Efficiency

User-Friendly Export Options

Why Choose Malva.RE’s Malware Configuration Extraction?

Getting Started

Harness the power of Malva.RE’s Malware Configuration Extraction:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on Malva.RE to access the full suite of malware analysis tools.
  2. Upload Malware Samples: Submit your malware files for instant configuration extraction.
  3. Review and Export Configurations: Access detailed configuration reports and export the results as needed for further analysis or integration with other tools.
  4. Stay Ahead: Utilize Malva.RE’s unique capabilities to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity.

Experience the speed and accuracy of Malva.RE’s Malware Configuration Extraction and enhance your ability to respond to complex malware threats.

For more information or to request a demo, please contact our support team or visit Malva.RE.